Information Center
For information on prices and services and current changes otsii:
Tel: +359 (2) 484 04 19, +359 (2) 484 04 20, +359 (2) 484 04 21, +359 (2) 484 04 22, +359 (2) 484 04 25, +359 ( 2) 484 04 26
Team phone +359 (2) 484 04 01, +359 (2) 484 04 04 provide 24 hours reliable service to customers and competent and professional response to each question.
If you do not have Internet
Check n astroykite and restart the computer. Make sure that all your computer cables are properly installed and properly secured.
If you are sure the problem is not with you immediately call the telephone: 484 04 04
If you have connection problems
Check your computer for viruses, check if a program does not carry traffic without your knowledge.
Check if possible whether your contacts are well grounded.
Keep the monitor to 1-2 meters high frequency radiation (SOT).
Regularly clean your computer from dust and other impurities that cause.